Elmer Emeric
Duty Manager
In addition to managing the Fort Lauderdale duty team, Elmer has facilitated numerous in-country Tier II capability reviews, led IMO II and IMS 100, 200, 220, 300, 401 training courses and led several exercises across the Americas and in Africa. He has participated in many Preparedness for Response Exercise Programs (PREP) exercising all components of a response plan with oil companies.
Before joining OSRL, Elmer served over 20 years as a U.S Coast Guard, retiring as a Commander and also worked as a civilian as Director of Puerto Rico Ports Authority, Professional Emergency Response Manager for BP America, and several for other Oil Spill organisations. As Coast Guard Officer, Elmer managed many response missions to include oil & chemical mishaps, hurricane preparedness, Incident Command Post as well as ship and barge groundings/collisions/allisions. Using the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and Incident Command System (ISC) Elmer provided required response functions, consistent with the U.S. National Response Framework and Area Contingency Plans, leading on 4 large ports such as Miami, FL; New York, New York; Houston, TX and San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Elmer is respected among OSRL Members for his expertise and experience but also for the positive attitude he brings to those he works with.