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Oil Spill Response Limited Oil Spill Response Limited
  • Recorded Seminar
  • Subsea

Subsea Well Response Readiness Evolution Webinar Recording

Andy Myers, OSRL's Subsea Director, and George Stead provide an overview of the latest developments in subsea well response.

  • By Andy Myers
  • 59 min watch
  • abr. 6, 2023

Subsea Well Response Readiness Evolution Webinar Recording

Subsea well response readiness continues to evolve through equipment enhancements, improved planning guidance, focused training initiatives, mutual aid frameworks, and most importantly, focused collaboration across the industry.

In this webinar, Andy Myers, OSRL's Subsea Director, and George Stead provide an overview of the latest developments in subsea well response, the key considerations when preparing for this low probability, but potentially high consequence event and the value that quality preparedness and planning provides.

Subsea Well Response Readiness Evolution Webinar Transcript

Simply download the transcript below