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Oil Spill Response Limited Oil Spill Response Limited
  • Recorded Seminar
  • Industry

Preparedness Journey Webinar Series - Webinar 4:Training, Exercises, and Continuous Improvement

Our experts examine how we develop our Training Drills or Exercises. How how we can maintain our response readiness and discuss the preparedness tools and support services offered by OSRL.

  • By Tristan Barston
  • 60 min watch
  • ene. 15, 2024

Preparedness Webinar Series: Training, Exercises, and Continuous Improvement

In the final webinar of the series, we explore the importance of training, exercises, and continuous improvement in maintaining an effective preparedness journey. This episode will help you discover the various training methodologies available, including tabletop exercises, functional exercises, and full-scale drills, and learn how to design and implement tailored training programs.

During this session, we will look at the meaning of having a tailored continuous development program and the importance of having this at individual, team or organisation levels.


We will examine how we develop our Oil Spill Response Drills or Exercises, take a brief look at how we can maintain our response readiness and discuss the preparedness tools and support services offered by OSRL.