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  • Podcast
  • Crisis Management

The OSRL Podcast: The Response Force Multiplier - Episode 6

In this episode, we're joined by Martin Fairn from Gazing Performance, as we explore the "Red to Blue" methodology - a practical framework designed to help people best perform under stress.

  • By Emma Smillie
  • ago. 22, 2024
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Mindset Matters: From Red to Blue, Conversation with Martin Fairn from Gazing Performance

In this episode of The Response Force Multiplier, host Emma Smillie dives deep into the power of mindset in high-pressure situations. Joined by Martin Fairn from Gazing Performance, they explore the "Red to Blue" methodology - a practical framework designed to help individuals and teams perform at their best under stress. From the rugby field to the classroom, and even in crisis management, discover how recognising and controlling your mindset can be a game-changer. Learn real-world applications, hear inspiring stories, and find out how this simple yet powerful tool is transforming lives across various sectors. Whether you're in business, education, or emergency response, this episode offers valuable insights into developing mental resilience and achieving peak performance.

Podcast Transcript

Podcast Transcript Coming Soon.