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Oil Spill Response Limited Oil Spill Response Limited

Members' Forum and EGM 2022 Resources

Find presentations, videos and photos from the Members' Forum, Training Sessions and Workshops right here.

EGM 2022 Website banner (1874 × 320px).png

Workshop Presentations

Digital Responding - Introduction

Watch the video used in the Digitial Responding presentation to give an introduction to the topic.   


Digital Responding

Digital capabilities will be critical to the realisation of OSRL’s purpose. We must integrate and then mainstream digital capabilities within the TPR capability model​ by exploring how.

By Liam Harrington-Missin​

View Presentation

What Makes A Good Exercise?

What is an exercise, and why should exercises be carried out? What should be considered when planning an exercise and what to be avoided - all covered in this session.

By Lee Barber and Paul Foley

View Presentation

Overcoming Barriers in the Dispersant Delivery Chain

There are many barriers to overcome throughout the entire dispersant delivery chain. We explore what these are and what we can do to overcome them, including stakeholder engagement and advocacy.  

By Andy Nicoll

View Presentation

Crisis Management Workshop

Find the presentation from the Crisis Management Training taster session covering crisis management team structure, roles, responsibilities and communications.

By Dave Rouse and Emma Smillie

View Presentation

Case Study Videos

British Antarctic Survey: Case Study

By Rachel McLachlan  


Gibraltar Spill: Case Study

By George Stafford



MCA Dover Straits Spill: Case Study

By James Woodford




Photo Album

View all the photos from across the three days of events at the Training Sessions, Members' Forum, EGM and Southampton Base Tour.