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Oil Spill Response Limited Oil Spill Response Limited
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Seminar: Causes, Fates and Impacts of Marine Oil Spills

jueves, 24 de febrero de 2022

ATSEA2 Q1 2022 Webinar.png

Event Info

ATSEA-2 Regional Project Management Unit (RPMU) and OSRL collaborated this year to deliver quarterly technical webinars. This is the first of the four technical webinars scheduled for this year. The topics chosen for this series build on each other with the aim of:

• Expand the knowledge on oil spill preparedness and response of the participants;

• Increase awareness on the risk and impacts of oil spill, more specifically in the Arafura and Timor Seas (ATS) region; and

• Develop understanding to contribute to improving capability on oil spill preparedness and response.     


Experts from Oil Spill Response Limited (OSRL) will share their experiences on the topic through case studies and real-life examples. At the end of this 2-hour, the participants should be able to:

• Learn key concepts on causes and fates of marine oil spill;

• Gain understanding how marine oil spills impact environmental, socioeconomic, and cultural resources; and

• Gain knowledge on the importance of preparedness in mitigating the impacts of marine oil spill. 



Title: Causes, Fates and Impacts of Marine Oil Spills

Date : 24 February 2022

Time : 1:00PM to 3:00PM (Singapore Time)

Duration : 2 hours

Please use the form on your right to register

Thank you for your interest in the webinar!


About ATSEA-2

ATSEA-2 is the second phase of the Arafura and Timor Seas Ecosystem Action (ATSEA) Programme that aims to ensure that coastal and marine resources are protected from pollution, degradation and overfishing, among other marine issues. Initiated in 2019, ATSEA-2 is a 5-year programme that involves a regional partnership among the government of Indonesia, Timor-Leste and Papua New Guinea together with the support from the Australian government. For more information, visit their website: