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Regional Exchange Event

martes, 23 de agosto de 2022

Event Info


Since start of 2022, ATSEA-2 has been working with OSRL to facilitate quarterly webinar series to enable information sharing on oil spill preparedness and response (OSPR) to Arafura and Timor Seas (ATS) stakeholders and ATSEA-2 project team. OSRL will also support ATSEA-2 to facilitate a regional exchange on OSPR in August 2022. The regional exchange event aims to provide participants the background and awareness on OSPR planning process, including mechanisms for regional cooperation. The event will also serve as an avenue for country representatives to network and build connection with like-minded authorities who share the same interests on OSPR in the ATS region. 


Title: Regional Exchange Event

Date: 23 – 25 August 2022

Location: Grand Copthorne Hotel, Singapore

Duration: 2 days