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News & Media

Members' Forum & EGM 2018

miércoles, 5 de diciembre de 2018

OSRL will be holding this year's Members' Forum and Shareholders' EGM at The Marriott County Hall Hotel in London. The event will take place from the 5th to the 6th December 2018. 

This event, which is open to Associate Members as well as Shareholders and is an opportunity to take an active part in the governance of OSRL.

If you have not yet registered, please register on this page >>

If you are attending our evening events please conatct our Marketing team to submit your food choices.

Members' Forum - Wednesday 5th December

8:00 - Registration, tea/Coffee

8:45 - Safety brief

9:00 - Workshops x3 - 1st Rotation

10:15 - Tea/Coffee

11:00 - Workshops x3 - 2nd rotation

12:15 - Lunch

13:30 - Workshops x3 - 3rd rotation

14:15 - Tea/Coffee

15:30 - Plenary; Case Studies

16:45 - Conclusion

17:15 - Meet in hotel lobby for evening activities

17:30 - Evening event starts

Workshop Topics:

  • The Preparedness team will be talking about Evolving from Knowledge to Capability – Developing your ability to respond.
  • Richard Morrish will be talking about People, Assets & Technology – Financing a Sustainable Future.
  • Lucy Heathcote will be talking about R3: Regulator Relationships and Response – Unlocking the toolbox through stakeholder engagement.

Throughout the Members' Forum there will be opportunities to meet OSRL personnel and to hear about recent developments. Our learning café stations, along with tea and coffee, will be situated in the lobby throughout the day and will cover the latest developments from OSRL

  • Our new SCAT App
  • An update on the Air Freightable Capping Stack
  • How we have been working with Aerostats and Kites
  • Opportunity to find out more about our Technical Advisory service

EGM - Thursday 6th December

07:45 - EGM Registration

08:30 - EGM

12:00 - Lunch

13:00 - End

13:00 - WACAF Meeting (WACAF Members only)

15:00 - WACAF Meeting ends

Full Agenda - If you would like to download the full agenda click here.


Full event address:

London Marriott Hotel County Hall, London County Hall, Westminster Bridge Rd, London SE1 7PB

Below are recommendations for accommodation nearby, all hotels are within a five minute walk from The Marriott Hotel.

Links will take you directly to the hotel website where you will be able to book your accommodation:

The Marriott County Hall Hotel

Premier Inn County Hall

Premier Inn London Waterloo

Park Plaza County Hall

Park Plaza Westminster Bridge

If you have not yet booked your accommodation and have registered then please do this as soon as possible.


Please contact the Marketing team for any other enquiries


We look forward to welcoming you in London!