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News & Media

Global HSE - 7th International Conference on Health, Safety and Environment

lunes, 30 de septiembre de 2019

OSRL is pleased to endorse the 7th International Conference and Exhibition on Health, Safety and Environment.

The Most Inspirational HSE Conference Around the Globe.

Take a deep dive into the insights of Health Safety and Environment as you hear from 100+ global industry leaders about the future of HSE culture across industries around the globe.

The Global HSE conference 2019 will deliver a variety of topics and subjects that are critical and current issues in the regime if HSE management globally and regionally. Explore more from the addresses of experienced business and industry leaders who have contributed for transforming the HSE culture in their organisations.

Find out more about the conference and to register, click here.

Click here to view the event floor layout

Click here to view the conference programme

We hope to see you there!