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Members Day Ireland 2017

martes, 11 de julio de 2017

OSRL is pleased to inform you about a first Member’s Day in Ireland, which will take place in Dublin on 11th July 2017

The aim of this event is to bring together oil companies and authorities to discuss changes in Irish regulations following the implementation of Offshore Safety Directive and how they would influence the drilling approval requirements. 

08.45 – Registration

09.00 – Presentation from operators (5-minute introduction about ongoing and planned operations in Ireland)

10.30 – Presentation from Irish Coast Guard about changes to regulations and new requirements from the operators

11.00 – Questions from the audience

11.15 – Presentation from Commission of Energy Regulation on their safety case requirements

11.45 – Questions from the audience

12.00 – Lunch

13.00 – OSRL presentation about tiered capabilities in Ireland

13.30 – Discussion 

*attendance to be confirmed

The event will take place in Irish Coast Guard office, Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport, Leeson Lane, Dublin 2, Ireland, D02TR60.’

To register for this event please email