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The GOWRS Assessment Team: A future wildlife service for OSRL Members?

miércoles, 10 de junio de 2020


Over the last few years a group of leading wildlife response organisations have been working to develop a framework for Tier 3 (international) wildlife response that can meet the needs of the wildlife response community as well as the oil industry and other stakeholders. This project, which has led to the development of operational procedures and agreed international standards, has now culminated in a proposal for a future Tier 3 Global Oiled Wildlife Response Service – a GOWRS Assessment Team. 

This webinar will provide an overview of the GOWRS Assessment Team Service concept, the organisations involved and the way forward for transitioning this multi-year project into an operational, guaranteed Tier 3 service.


Title: The GOWRS Assessment Team: A future wildlife service for OSRL members?

Date : Wednesday 10th June

Time : 08:00 BST

Duration : 45 minutes

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