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Oil Spill Response Limited Oil Spill Response Limited
News & Media

SPE Health, Safety, Security, Environment, & Social Responsibility Conference - North America

martes, 18 de abril de 2017

The SPE Health, Safety, Security, Environment, & Social Responsibility Conference–North America focuses on health, safety, security, and environmental challenges facing the E&P industry.

With a theme of "Sustaining our Future Through Innovation, Collaboration, and Capital Efficiency," this event will bring together managers and HSSESR professionals to share ideas, best practices, innovative solutions to address issues facing the E&P industry.

Don't miss our oil spill experts who will be presenting their papers on Wednesday 19th April.

Technical Session 08: 13:45 to 15:15: Protecting, Mitigating and Monitoring Surface and Subsurface Impacts to Land

Grand Ballroom C

Session Chairpersons: Karin Witton - Weatherford International, Jon McClurg - Ecology & Environment

Time Presentation
14:45 - 15:15

Impacts of Inland Response Techniques on Plant Growth (Field Test Study)

Tristan Barston, Oil Spill Response Ltd

Technical Session 10: 15:45 to 17:15: Emergency Preparedness and Response Safety Concerns

Grand Ballroom D

Session Chairpersons: Byron Gale - EnCana Oil & Gas (USA), Kyla Retzer - NIOSH/CDC

Time Presentation
15:45 - 16:15

Health and Safety Concerns for Extreme Weather Oil Spill Response

Brian Gove, Kurt Kriter, Matt Simmons, Oil Spill Response Ltd