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Oil Spill Response Limited Oil Spill Response Limited
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UKCS Members' Day

miércoles, 5 de octubre de 2022


Join us on our first face-to-face UKCS Members' Day since the pandemic!

The morning will involve a series of presentations followed by lunch and a trip to the airport where you'll have a chance to see both the Boeing 727 and UKCS planes, including a show and tell.


Further details:

Event: UKCS Members' Day

Date: Wednesday 5th October

Time: 08:30 - 13:15

Address: Jurys Inn Aberdeen Airport, Argyll Rd, Dyce, Aberdeen, AB21 0AF


Join us at 08:30 BST for breakfast rolls on arrival as you're welcomed by the Aberdeen Team and Matt Clements, EMEA Regional Director. 

The morning will begin with presentations of spill case studies and an update on upgrades to the OSPRAG cap. You will also be introduced to the aircraft*, both the UKCS dedicated surveillance aircraft and the Boeing 727 with Tersus Spray System, that you can get up close to at the airport. Transport from Jury's Inn to the aircraft will be provided.

The session will end with a networking lunch from 12:30 - 13:15.

For those wishing to stay after lunch, the Deputy to the SOSREP, Lisa McAuliffe, will be presenting the findings of the National Exercise. This was previously scheduled to take place elsewhere but Lisa has kindly agreed to present at this session. 

*Please note government-issued photo ID will be required to access the aircraft

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