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Wildlife Week Webinar: Incorporating Wildlife into Oil Spill Exercises: Lessons from Industry and Wildlife Experts

viernes, 17 de noviembre de 2023

Incorporating Wildlife into Oil Spill Exercises: Lessons from Industry and Wildlife Experts

We showcase a successful example of collaboration between Industry leaders Petrobras and Aiuká, a Tier 3 wildlife rehabilitation organisation in Brazil, resulting in the development of an oiled wildlife plan reinforced with an ongoing multi-year preparedness programme.

Rodrigo Cochrane and Barbara Carpeggiani from Petrobras will share their oiled wildlife preparedness journey and experiences of incorporating meaningful wildlife-related objectives into one of their recent tabletop exercises by integrating the expertise of Aiuká from the outset. Viviane Barquete from Aiuká will share how the integration of wildlife organisations into the exercise planning process and delivery is beneficial for all parties, not only demonstrating good practice but resulting in valuable lessons learned.


Webinar Details:

The webinar will conclude with a question and answer session, providing an opportunity for participants to engage with the speakers and address any questions. 

Date and Time:

Friday 17 November 2023 | 13:30 GMT/UTC


Mariana Braga from OSRL

Guest Speakers:

Rodrigo Cochrane and Barbara Carpeggiani from Petrobras

Viviane Barquete from Aiuká