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Oil Spill Response Limited Oil Spill Response Limited
News & Media

Philippines Technical Forum

martes, 19 de noviembre de 2024

Enhancing Oil Spill Response Capability through Collaboration

OSRL Technical Forum in the Philippines.jpg

We invite you to the OSRL Philippines Technical Forum 2024, a unique opportunity to collaborate and share knowledge with key players in the oil and gas industry, government agencies, and industry experts in the Philippines.

This year’s forum focuses on strengthening oil spill response capabilities in the Philippines, with a special emphasis on documented and approved processes and procedures. By working together, we can ensure that preparedness is aligned with best practices, from facility-level response to national and international coordination.

Why Attend?
This technical forum is designed to create a collaborative space for meaningful discussion, where industry professionals can engage with government authorities like the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) and other stakeholders to address challenges in oil spill response. With OSRL’s proven track record in promoting industry good practices, this forum will give you the tools and insights to refine your own oil spill preparedness strategies.

Key benefits of attending:

  • Gain a deeper understanding of the complexities of large-scale oil spill incidents.
  • Learn how to align your oil spill response plans with government-approved procedures.
  • Network and collaborate with leading experts, industry peers, and government authorities to build stronger response capabilities.


Event Details: 

📅 19th November 2024 

📍  New Coast Hotel, Manila

📋 Agenda: View here

 Registrations for this event are on an invitation-only basis. Contact us if you would like to join the guest list.