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OSRL gives back to the community as we celebrate International Day of Forests

viernes, 21 de marzo de 2025

OSRL gives back to the community as we celebrate International Day of Forests

Today is International Day of Forests, and one of our dedicated teams recently took on a day of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) at a local point of interest near Southampton to help restore a historic site and maintain its natural beauty.

The team volunteered for a day at Exbury Gardens, an area of outstanding beauty that is maintained and funded through a charity organisation. Volunteering here gave the team the opportunity to help preserve the historic gardens, with their world-famous displays of rhododendrons, azaleas, and camellias, as well as art and sculpture exhibitions throughout the grounds.

The site is also steeped in history, as it was commissioned as a “stone frigate” during the second World War, where arming and training the crews of many landing craft took place, before they went on to take part in fighting to free occupied Europe on D-Day.

Throughout the day, the team all got their hands dirty helping to remove a huge amount of unwanted growth from an area of the park that was due to be cultivated and turned into a new attraction. In total, they filled over four tractors worth of unwanted vegetation and helped to save the Exbury Gardens ground crew over a week’s worth of work.

Our team took this opportunity to build on their own internal relationships and strengthen the team dynamic whilst also giving back to the local community.