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Oil Spill Response Limited Oil Spill Response Limited
News & Media

Seeking member feedback on the proposed Global Oiled Wildlife Response Service (GOWRS)

martes, 27 de abril de 2021

OSRL is seeking interest from Members on a proposed new Global Oiled Wildlife Response Service (GOWRS).

This service offers a guaranteed four-person Tier 3 Wildlife Assessment Team, delivered in conjunction with leading wildlife response organisations.  Provided there is enough interest from Members, GOWRS will be available as an OSRL Supplementary Service. 

OSRL seeks interest from Members by September 2021, intending to transition to a live service for subscribers by early 2022. 

The new service is a culmination of The Global Oiled Wildlife Response System Project (GOWRS Project). Initiated in 2015, the GOWRS Project aimed to develop a Tier 3 (international) system for oiled wildlife response. 

The industry-funded project brought together 11 of the world’s leading oiled wildlife preparedness and response organisations. 

The goal was to develop key readiness guidance documents for ensuring professional, effective wildlife preparedness and response. As part of this work, the GOWRS Project created internationally agreed principles for the protection, care and rehabilitation of oiled wildlife, published by IPIECA. 

With its successful completion, the GOWRS Project is now ready to move from a project to an operational Global Oiled Wildlife Response Service (GOWRS). 

Find out more on oiled wildlife response services or contact us to talk to us about our wildlife work.

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