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Remote training courses gain further three years accreditation from the Nautical Institute for delivery

jueves, 23 de septiembre de 2021




Every three years, OSRL goes through a process of re-accreditation with the Nautical Institute (NI). The NI accreditation ensures that we meet all the requirements prescribed in their standards to deliver several accredited courses. 

The pandemic rocketed the necessity for the delivery of remote training courses for our most popular courses. As a result, the NI issued a temporary endorsement on remote training. This endorsement enabled us to deliver our face to face courses remotely during the pandemic, and the Training Team rapidly developed material and exercises suited to the new remote world. 

Remote training enabled clients to maintain the currency of their skills during the pandemic despite the restrictions. Moreover, with the benefits of reduced travel time and costs, remote training is likely to be with us for the foreseeable.  

The NI initially endorsed all the MCA, OPEP and IMO remote courses. But that endorsement has already expired for the MCA & OPEP courses and will expire in six months for the remote IMO courses. 

Due to the investment in developing these courses and the benefits to our clients, OSRL wanted to keep the accreditation on several remote courses. Therefore, we requested the NI to review our remote courses for long term accreditation. We are pleased to confirm that the NI has now confirmed that we will be accredited to deliver the training courses listed below remotely for the next three years. 

“We are so pleased to be able to continue to offer our accredited remote courses, the training team have worked incredibly hard to develop new materials and teaching methods suited to remote delivery, ensuring our courses remain interactive and engaging” Emily Foley, Global Training and Consultancy Manager