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Oil Spill Response Limited Oil Spill Response Limited
News & Media

Oil Spill Response Exercise in Southampton

martes, 12 de julio de 2022

Exercise, exercise.

OSRL is today conducting a No Notice Drill at our Southampton base to train our response teams and develop our operational capabilities. 

Continual exercising is integral to OSRL's assurance to ensure we remain ready to respond. The exercise will simulate an oil spill incident to test response equipment and instruct personnel on best-practice procedures.  

As part of the exercise, we will be deploying vessels and people in the following locations: 

  • Southampton waters
  • Shoreline deployments at Stokes Bay, Hill Head, and Calshot

Oil Spill Response Limited (OSRL) is the largest international industry-funded spill-response cooperative, dedicated to responding to oil spills, wherever in the world they may occur. OSRL provides preparedness, response and intervention services and is wholly owned by the most environmentally responsible oil and gas companies around the globe. OSRL currently employs 275 people across 12 locations and is headquartered in Southampton, UK.

Media contacts information

Emma Smillie

Global Marketing Manager

+44 (0)23 8033 1551