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Oil Spill Response Limited Oil Spill Response Limited
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Oil Spill Response Webinar -Tiered Preparedness and Response: The Evolving Model

jueves, 23 de abril de 2015

Oil Spill Response Webinar
Tiered Preparedness and Response: The Evolving Model
14 May 2015, Thursday
14:00 UTC to 14:45 UTC

Join OSRL’s webinar to learn about the evolution of Tiered Preparedness and Response and how the principles work collectively to provide the most appropriate resources at the right place and at the right time.

Tiered Preparedness and Response has long been recognised as a useful framework on which to establish a robust oil spill preparedness and response capability. While the fundamental components of Tiered Preparedness and Response remain unchanged, their application, implementation and communication have evolved to match the changing landscape of global oil spill response.

Advances in technology, logistical capability and communication tools have improved the ability for global resources to be cascaded to an incident location, thereby maintaining the relevance of tiered support, even as new risks in increasingly remote and challenging locations are opening up.