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OSRL and Sea Alarm Celebrate 15 Years of Collaboration

viernes, 20 de marzo de 2020

The Sea Alarm Foundation recently celebrated its 20-year anniversary as well as 15 years of collaboration with OSRL!

Sea Alarm was initially founded as an initiative to bring together European oiled wildlife response organisations to improve their cooperation and standards and to try to align and integrate their activities more closely with government and industry oil spill preparedness. Sea Alarm's efforts, led by their General Manager, Hugo Nijkamp, have helped to advance wildlife response preparedness internationally in a number of significant ways. This has included published internationally agreed standards, the development of national and international networks, and formal recognition of oiled wildlife preparedness by many industry and governmental bodies (e.g. IPIECA, IOPC Funds and the IMO).

A core stream of collaboration through most of Sea Alarm's history has been the partnership with OSRL which has been the catalyst for many of these initiatives, including the industry-funded Global Oiled Wildlife Response System (GOWRS) Project, and this year marks the 15th anniversary of that relationship. To recognise this, Sea Alarm recently posted the below article on their website outlining some of the many achievements to date:</p

Sea Alarm - A 15 Year Partnership with OSRL

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