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Oil Spill Response Limited Oil Spill Response Limited
News & Media

OSRL launches new DECC 1 - On-Scene Commander (OIM Offshore Installation Manager) e-Learning

lunes, 23 de febrero de 2015

Oil Spill Response Limited (OSRL) has launched a new improved Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) 1 On-Scene Commander (OIM Offshore Installation Manager) e-learning course. Designed specifically for Offshore Installation Managers (OIMs) and other offshore personnel working in the UK Continental Shelf, the course incorporates the latest DECC Oil Pollution Emergency Plan (OPEP) guidance released in January and industry good practice guides.

This is the second launch in a series of e-learning courses following the successful release of OSRL’s Oil Spill Awareness Course in November 2014.

The DECC 1 e-learning course is designed with the user in mind. It offers delegates total flexibility to undertake training at the learner’s own pace, location and convenience, offering a cost-effective and convenient alternative to offsite classes or consultants. The content introduces an interactive oil spill incident scenario that takes users through the logical sequence of steps when responding to an offshore incident. Users are taught how to effectively activate an OPEP and about basic oil spill response strategies. There are also sessions on how to assess the incident and its inherent risks, the principles of dispersant spraying, the oil weathering process, how to predict the movement of spilt oil and how to quantify oil slicks.

DECC 1 – On-Scene Commander is incorporated within OSRL’s own web based learning management system. The new course integrates with a user’s network for simple access and administration and can be viewed on a range of devices including PCs, MACs and iPads. A demo of the course can be viewed at

The Department of Energy and Climate Change stipulates that all OIM’s and those responsible for activating the installation’s Oil Pollution Emergency Plan (OPEP) are trained to DECC Level 1 standard. The DECC 1 – On-Scene Commander course enables UK oil and gas operators to meet this requirement providing training on key aspects of oil spills such as UK regulation, reporting procedures and response strategies.

Jo Unwin, Training and Consultancy Manager, Oil Spill Response Ltd said, “This latest eLearning course is part of OSRL’s ongoing commitment to develop innovative, interactive and engaging courses that are, above all, relevant to clients’ needs. Research has consistently demonstrated that delegates learn best when they are actively engaged in the learning experience and, at OSRL, training courses are designed and delivered to provide learning in this way. Each and every person contributes to their own course, recognising that quality training is about creation, not just consumption of knowledge.”

OSRL offers an end-to-end oil spill preparedness and response service that provides an integrated solution to oil spill preparedness and response needs. Preparedness training is a core part of the preparedness services offered to industry. OSRL continually invests and develops both its courses and its talented team of training professionals who bring their real spill response experience to every course.

Media Contact
For media enquiries, please contact:
Emma Smillie, Oil Spill Response Limited,
+44 (0) 8033 1551/ +44 (0) 7876 885 630

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For more information on courses please visit
To book a course, please visit our website or contact:
Steve Woods, Oil Spill Response Limited,
+44 (0) 2380 331 551/ +44 (0) 7876 885 630

About Oil Spill Response Limited [OSRL]
OSRL is the industry’s leading oil spill response cooperative, providing preparedness, response and intervention services worldwide. Membership represents the majority of global oil production, comprising some 160 environmentally responsible organisations from government, marine and energy-related sectors. Operating from strategic locations in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Asia Pacific and the Americas, OSRL is the industry leader in this field, having acquired a distinguished track record by attending more than 400 oil spill incidents during the past three decades.