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Oil Spill Response Limited Oil Spill Response Limited
News & Media

Report of Activity 2016

martes, 6 de diciembre de 2016

We’re re-energised and ready

By Robert Limb, CEO of Oil Spill Response Limited

We started the year with several organisational changes. We officially closed our representative office in Indonesia, welcomed our new Chairman, Jeff Patry from Chevron, and two senior managers swapped roles and brought new perspectives to the response and technical teams.

Through much of 2016, we conducted an intensive review of our organisational management system, referred to as our Blueprint project, to streamline and simplify processes while still providing the required level of assurance.

On the commercial and membership services front, we developed and implemented a strategic direction which would explore and enhance the services we bring to existing members and potential customers while reducing the overall cost structure of the company.

One notable service improvement for our members is the expanded scope and duration of the free Technical Advisory services we provide during a spill, from one Technical Advisor for 48 hours, to a team of five personnel for five days.

Internally we also refined our company values and selected five cornerstone values which resonate and agree with our culture and behaviours.

After several challenging years trying to obtain approval for the Tersus system, the highlight for the year was the launch of our fully certified global Boeing 727 aerial dispersant capability at the Farnborough airshow. Both 727 aircraft are available for response, and we returned the Hercules to Asia Pacific at the end of 2015.

Our members have operated in a tough environment this year, and so has OSRL. We’ve managed to ensure fees for 2017 are maintained at 2015 levels, we have worked hard to deliver more with less, and with the effort we have poured into our company this year, we are now more than ready to welcome 2017 as a stronger and more agile OSRL.