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Oil Spill Response Limited Oil Spill Response Limited
News & Media

Statement to stakeholders: Outbreak of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD)

lunes, 27 de octubre de 2014

OSRL is mindful that an outbreak of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) is underway in several countries in West Africa (currently Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone as defined by the World Health Organisation, WHO).

As a global company, OSRL continually monitors safety, security and public health matters. We work closely with and take advice from numerous governmental authorities (public health), organisations (Centre for Disease Control, CDC and WHO) and specialty risk management companies (International SOS and Control Risks Group). In specific relation to the ongoing Ebola concerns, OSRL has put in place the science and medical based protocols necessary to minimise the exposure risk for our employees and visitors to our installations as recommended by these organizations.

OSRL evaluates each personnel deployment on a case by case basis and currently will not look to send any personnel to the countries affected by the breakout (i.e., Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone) for any reason until either the EVB outbreak is under control or a viable licensed vaccine is available, or if the safety of our personnel can otherwise be assured. Travel to Senegal, Nigeria and all other adjacent countries will be approved subject to all the normal pre-departure health, safety and security travel checks. OSRL will continue to monitor the spread of EVD to other countries and assess all travel risks accordingly.

In the event of an offshore oil spill in the waters of the affected countries (currently Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone ), subject to locating a safe, disease free base for flight operations, aerial surveillance and dispersant application operations can be undertaken.

Offshore containment and recovery operations may be undertaken with similar provisos if it is practical to do so, however sailing times and distances to the spill locations from a safe disease-free port may well preclude this. Any offshore response will also be conditional upon the crew of the vessel(s) utilised not having visited any of the countries affected by the breakout (as defined by the WHO) in the last 21 days.

OSRL will not accept delegates from, or who have visited, the countries affected by the breakout (as defined by the WHO) into training courses or otherwise as base visitors for a period of 21 days after they have left the countries concerned.