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Oil Spill Response Limited Oil Spill Response Limited
News & Media

New Airfreightable Capping Stack Capability

martes, 17 de abril de 2018

Oil Spill Response Limited establishes new airfreightable capping stack capability

Oil Spill Response Ltd has been collaborating with its members, wider industry, and other stakeholders in the establishment of a single unit airfreightable capping stack capability.

This new capability further enhances the unrivalled suite of capping and containment equipment to its members, and is being developed to meet the evolving needs of industry, in relation to response time challenges.

The project will see delivery of an Antonov AN-124 compatible transport frame in order to allow its capping stacks to be transported in one single unit by air, in an Antonov AN-124. Transporting the capping stack fully assembled in a single unit will remove the need for any pre departure disassembly work upon mobilisation or any assembly work once delivered to site.

The Antonov aircraft comes with its own loading/offloading system, which removes the necessity for a main deck loader, required when using a Boeing 747 aircraft. OSRL is currently working with its partners to carry out the detailed design, procurement and fabrication of the transport frame. The transport frame is due for delivery in early June.


Media contact
For more information contact:
Emma Smillie, Global Marketing Manager, 0044 23 8033 1551

SWIS Membership enquiries
Matt Clements, SWIS Directors, 0044 23 8033 1551

About Oil Spill Response Ltd [OSRL] (
Oil Spill Response Limited (OSRL) is the largest international industry-funded cooperative. It exists to respond to oil spills wherever in the world they may occur, providing preparedness, response and intervention services. OSRL is wholly owned by most of the environmentally responsible oil and gas companies around the globe, and its membership represents the majority of the world's oil production. It currently employs 275 people across nine locations around the world.