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Oil Spill Response Limited Oil Spill Response Limited
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West African Surveillance Platform (WASP)

viernes, 26 de abril de 2019

Following extensive Industry consultation OSRL is pleased to announce the launch of our brand-new specialist and dedicated Oil Spill Surveillance service for West and Central Africa. 


Access to timely, accurate and high-quality aerial surveillance information is of critical importance during any successful oil spill response operation. Early situational awareness leads to informed and justified decision making which is the first step to an effective and efficient response operation. Our new West Africa Surveillance Platform (WASP) brings a credible regional surveillance capability which is a step change from previous offerings.


OSRL, in partnership with an aviation surveillanc specialist, we have created a model which not only brings high level technology for improved surveillance outputs, but an unprecedented regional coverage through a network of strategically positioned aircraft. 


OSRL are currently offering two options to potential WASP members;

Option 1: ‘222’: Two aircraft, each with its own pilot and systems operator (ie two crews) in two Locations. Option 2: ‘333’: Three aircraft, each with its own pilot and systems operator (ie three crews) in three Locations.
Location 1: Lome, Togo Location 1: Douala, Cameroon
Location 2: Libreville, Gabon Location 2: Abidjan, Cote D'Lvoire
  Location 3: Pointe Noire, Republic of Congo
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If you would interested in finding out more information about our WASP service please contact us by emailing