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Números de contacto de emergencia

Tenga en cuenta que:

Los servicios de respuesta están garantizados SOLO para los Miembros. Los no miembros no tienen garantizada una respuesta y se les pedirá que firmen un contrato de no miembros. Los servicios y las tarifas difieren. Los gerentes de servicio pueden ser contactados para ejercicios.

Oil Spill Response Limited Oil Spill Response Limited
SWIS Appreciation Site

Capping/SIRT process

Oil Spill Response Limited (OSRL) provide members global access to an integrated intervention package comprising of 4 x Capping Stack Systems (CSS) and 2 x Subsea Incident Response Toolkits (SIRT).

CSS key facts:

  • Four capping systems, including 2x 18¾" 15k stacks and 2x 7¹⁄₁₆" 10k stacks (with ancillary equipment)
  • Transportable by sea and/or air
  • Available for a variety of international metocean conditions
  • Designed for subsea use to a maximum of 3000m water depth
  • Stored in four strategic locations – Brazil, Norway, Singapore and South Africa
  • Maintained by Trendsetter Engineering on behalf of OSRL
  • • Adaptable to multiple wellhead, subsea tree and BOP connections

Click here to view the CSS Technical Information Sheet

SIRT key facts:

  • ROV-operated Blow Out Preventer Emergency Intervention System
  • Subsea Dispersant System: dispersant equipment package to inject dispersant at multiple location
  • Debris Clearing Equipment tool package
  • Transportable by road, sea and air.
  • Stored in two strategic locations – Brazil and Norway
  • Available for use in a variety of international metocean conditions
  • Manufactured and maintained by Oceaneering
  • Each SIRT is stored in 20ft, 10ft offshore containers and skids, maintained response ready for air freight.

Click here to view the SIRT Technical Information Sheet