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Oil Spill Response Limited Oil Spill Response Limited

COVID 19 Field Guides

Containment and Recovery COVID-19 Measures Field Guide

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Click here to view the Containment and Recovery Field Guide

Click here to view Containment and Recovery COVID-19 Measures Field Guide appendix

Shoreline Operations COVID-19 Measures Field Guide

Shoreline field guide front page.JPG

Click here to view the Shoreline Operations Field Guide

Click here to view Shoreline Operations COVID-19 Measures Field Guide appendix

Aerial Surveillance COVID-19 Measures Field Guide

Aerial Surveillance front cover.JPG

Click here to view the Aerial Surveillance Field Guide

Click here to view Aerial Surveiallance COVID-19 Measures Field Guide appendix

Waste Management COVID-19 Measures Field Guide

Waste Management Field Guide front cover.JPG

Click here to view the Waste Management Field Guide

Click here to view Waste Management COVID-19 Measures Field Guide appendix

NEBA Considerations Under COVID-19

Click here to view the IOGP/IPIECA Good Practice Guides.

NEBA-SIMA Field Guide Image.JPG

Download NEBA Guidance

Shoreline Clean-up Assessment Technique (SCAT) COVID-19 Measures Field Guide

Click here to view the SCAT Field Guide

Click here to view SCAT COVID-19 Measures Field Guide appendix

Inland Operations COVID-19 Measures Field Guide

Inland Operations front cover.JPG

Click here to view the Inland Operations Field Guide

Click here to view Inland Operations COVID-19 Measures Field Guide appendix

Dispersant Application and Monitoring COVID-19 Measures Field Guide

Dispersant application and monitoring COVID-19 field guide front cover.JPG

Click here to view the Surface Dispersant application Field Guide

Click here to view the Dispersant Monitoring Tier I Field Guide

Click here to view the Dispersant Monitoring Tier II/III Field Guide

Click here to view dispersant applciation and monitoring COVID-19 Measures Field Guide appendix

Offshore In-Situ Burning Operations COVID-19 Measures Field Guide

In-Situ Burning Field Guide.JPG

Click here to view the Offshore In-Situ Burning Operations Field Guide

Click here to view Offshore In-Situ Burning Operations COVID-19 Measures Field Guide appendix