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Oil Spill Response Limited Oil Spill Response Limited

Members' Forum Session Recordings

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Get Ready For A Wildlife Emergency

Paul Kelway, OSRL's Wildlife Preparedness and Response Manager and Michael Ziccardi, Director Oiled Wildlife Care Network will take you on a journey that explores the importance of having the effect on wildlife at the heart of any strategic decision-making about the deployment of resources and response strategies as a core part of integrated response readiness.


XPress Pearl Case Study and Plastics

Hear from Paul Foley, Regional Response Manager (Europe and Africa) and Rhea Shears, as they share their experiences and lessons learned from the X-Press Pearl vessel incident in Sri Lanka and the ongoing shoreline clean-up of plastic nurdles.


Subsea Well Intervention Services Update

Hear the latest SWIS updates and the latest about the Global Subsea Response Network, from Mark Cockram, Subsea Manager.


Performing Under Pressure - Incident and Crisis Management Workshop

Dave Rouse, Integrated Solutions Manager, Dean Wasche Global L&D Manager and Andrew Couch, OSRL Wellbeing Lead present an interactive incident and crisis management workshop where you'll discover how you perform under pressure and the importance of mindset in high-pressure situations.