Resource Library
Subsea Well Response Readiness Evolution Webinar Recording
Andy Myers, OSRL's Subsea Director, and George Stead provide an overview of the latest developments in subsea well response.
Strengthening Resilience: Prime Energy's Crisis Management Capability Program
Prime Energy Resources Development BV, a major oil and gas player, engaged us to build crisis management capabilities for their recently acquired gas platform in the Philippines.
Being Fully Prepared. Why Bother?
Based on a review of what it means for oil companies to prepare for emergencies and situations outside of day-to-day occurrences, we look at the benefits of being prepared.
TPR Seminar Series - Part Thirteen: Incident Management System
This thirteenth session sees Paul Foley and Dave Rouse provide an overview of the TPR segment relating to the Incident Management System.
Decommissioning Support Through Equipment Hire Services
Safeguarding the environment with Tier 1 equipment hire services enabled an OSRL Member to successfully decommission a Floating Production Unit.
Digital Twins: Response Through the Looking Glass
Digital Twins are now common in engineering and production, but can the concept be applied to dynamic, people-based systems such as incident response?
Bridging Response to Research
Rob Holland and Rhea Shears explore the gap between operational relevance and scientific focus.
TPR Seminar Series - Part Twelve: Environmental Impact Assessment
Norman Ramos, Principal Consultant and Trainer, provides an overview of the TPR segment relating to Environmental Impact Assessment.
Next Generation Fuels – the Future of Emergency Response
We explore what challenges alternative fuels must overcome to become viable, safe and trusted replacements for oil
ATSEA-2 Webinar Series - Part 4: Oiled Wildlife Response, Oil Spill Risk Assessment & Case Study
Understand Oiled Wildlife Response with this webinar and complete the loop of oil spill preparedness with Oil Spill Risk Assessment.
GOWRS Partner Interview - Episode 8: Tri-state
In this eighth episode, Paul Kelway, OSRL’s Wildlife Preparedness and Response Manager, is joined by Lisa Smith, Executive Director of Tri-state Bird Rescue & Research
TPR Seminar Series - Part Eleven: Economic Assessment and Compensation
This eleventh session sees OSRL's Development & Assurance Lead, Aaron Montgomery, discuss economic assessment and compensation for marine oil spills.
OSRL Resource Library
First-hand experience in responding to oil spill incidents of varying nature and locality across the global, allow's Oil Spill Response to provide a wealth of resources and insights.
From case studies with our Members to industry insights and operational field guides spanning response and crisis management to dispersants and contingency planning. All resources are freely available to view or download.