Responding to oil spills: Nearshore & beach habitats
mercredi 21 mars 2018
Emergency responders, natural resource managers, and scientists came together to discuss oil spill response efforts in coastal wetlands. They discussed new research, lessons learned and successes from past response efforts, and research gaps that improved partnerships may be able to fill.
OSRL in Turkey
mardi 12 décembre 2017
OSRL recently travelled to Antalya, Turkey to conduct a published Aerial Surveillance Course and IMO 2 Clearance Course in collaboration with MOST Maritime and Environmental Service Company (Turkey).
lundi 19 juin 2017
Matt Simmons, our Operations Manager in Americas, recently represented OSRL in HSET meeting organised by the Association of Petroleum Industry Co-op Managers (APICOM). He shares with us some insights.
Do any of us really know what we want to do in life?
jeudi 29 septembre 2016
Our HR director Neil Gates shares about his career plans and how roadblocks led to new opportunities.
How I designed and fabricated a DESMI Scale Model Octopus skimmer
lundi 25 janvier 2016
Our apprentice, Tom Gillespie was given an opportunity to design and fabricate a fully functioning, scale model size Octoptus skimmer.