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Oil Spill Response Limited Oil Spill Response Limited
News & Media

Interspill 2022

martes, 21 de junio de 2022

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Event Info

Interspill 2022 is the next event in the triennial series of international oil spill clean up events.

Title: Interspill 2022

Date: 21-23 June 2022

Time: Please see table below

Duration: 3 days

Event highlights can be found in Interspill's latest newsletter here.

For more information please visit the Interspill website here.


Oil Spill Response Interspill Agenda:

OSRL will have a significant profile at Interspill with our Regional Director, Rob James, as co-chair of the conference. OSRL staff will be presenting twelve papers, and 6 posters and Dave Rouse, Dean Washe and Andrew Crouch will be delivering a short course on “Crisis Management”, as a prequel to the conference itself and they will also be offering a complimentary 1:1 performance coaching conversations throughout the conference.  

We will also be running a Diversity, equality and inclusion lunch alongside Dr Sabrina Hatton-Cohen on lessons she has learned during her career both as an academic and as a senior officer in the Fire and Rescue Service. Find out more about the session and how to register below: 

Interspill - 2022 Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Lunch


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