Activate Us

Our activation procedure including contact details and forms for activation, in addition to equipment stockpile and aviation status reports can be found here.

Emergency Contact Numbers

Please note that:

Response services are guaranteed ONLY for Members. Non-members are not guaranteed a response and will be required to sign a Non-member contract. Services and rates differ. Duty managers can be contacted for exercises.

Oil Spill Response Limited Oil Spill Response Limited
News & Media

Report of Activity 2019

lundi 2 décembre 2019


Beyond the Horizon

By Robert Limb, CEO of Oil Spill Response Limited

In 2019 we continued to execute the project programme developed from the Vision 2020 strategy. In March, during the Annual Strategic Review (ASR), the OSRL Board of Directors started to develop the OSRL strategy for the period 2020 to 2025 -“Beyond the Horizon”.


We are pleased to highlight our achievements, finaniclal and business performance and key deliverables in this 2019 Report of Activity.


We look forward to working closely with all stakeholders to achieve a high level of preparedness to ensure we can continue to respond in an efficient and effective way to any incident.


Thank you.