Industry Resources

Harnessing Live Videoblogging for Virtual SCAT Training
OSRL adapted SCAT training for virtual delivery during COVID-19 using live videoblogging, offering real-time, interactive shoreline assessments for remote learning.

Sharing Resources to Build Resilience: The Growing Importance of Mutualisation in Oil Spill Response
Exploring the role of mutualised expertise in oil spill response: How collaborative frameworks like the UK MAFA enhance industry resilience and preparedness.

Preparedness Journey Webinar Series - Webinar 4:Training, Exercises, and Continuous Improvement
Our experts examine how we develop our Training Drills or Exercises. How how we can maintain our response readiness and discuss the preparedness tools and support services offered by OSRL.

Preparedness Journey Webinar Series - Webinar 3:Equipment and Resources for Effective Response
Our experts focus on the critical aspect of selecting, maintaining and deploying the right equipment and resources during an oil spill incident.

Preparedness Journey Webinar Series - Webinar 2: Risk Assessment and Contingency Planning
Our experts guide you in assessing potential gaps in your oil spill preparedness, aiding in the development of a plan to address and close those gaps in enhanced future readiness.

Developing Resilience to Climate Change Driven Extreme Weather Events
As climate-driven extreme events increase in frequency, it is crucial for businesses, especially in the oil and gas industries to build resilience through enhanced preparedness.

The OSRL Podcast: The Response Force Multiplier - Episode 3
In this episode, we join Liam Harrington-Missin as we delve into the fascinating world of artificial intelligence (AI) and its impact on emergency management.

Preparedness Journey Webinar Series - Webinar 1: Understanding the Oil Spill Landscape
Our experts provide an overview of the oil spill landscape in this introductory webinar.

Navigating the Evolving Landscape of Oil Spill Response
Yearly oil spill risks rise, impacting us all. This article explores challenges, innovation, and vital collaboration in transforming the industry.

Forward Thinking and Refined
What can the renewable regulators and operators learn from the oil and gas industry? Uncover potential knowledge and data gaps in the response to oil spills associated with renewables.

Digital Twins: Response Through the Looking Glass
Digital Twins are now common in engineering and production, but can the concept be applied to dynamic, people-based systems such as incident response?

Bridging Response to Research
Rob Holland and Rhea Shears explore the gap between operational relevance and scientific focus.
The latest oil and gas industry and oil spill industry insights and documents
Our industry resources explore a wide variety of topics of interest to the oil and gas industry including diversity, equity and inclusion, the impacts of the latest geopolitical situations on oil spill risks, future trends and risks and lessons learned.