Subsea Resources

Delivering a customised capping stack to a major operator in South America.
A major South American operator faced tight deadlines and customisation challenges to meet regulatory requirements for a critical offshore capping stack system.

Subsea Well Response Readiness Evolution Webinar Recording
Andy Myers, OSRL's Subsea Director, and George Stead provide an overview of the latest developments in subsea well response.

Introduction to OSRL SWIS Water Column Monitoring
Dr Jodi Harney, Senior Scientist from CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. will join Mario Fazio, OSRL SWIS APAC Manager to talk about Water Column Monitoring.

Planning for Offset Installation of a Capping Stack
Yann Hajeri, Saipem Technical Manager, and Mario Fazio, OSRL Subsea Manager, take a closer look at the use of OSRL Offset Installation Equipment.

Sea/Response Real Time Vessel Tracking Software for Subsea Incidents
Mario Fazio, Subsea Manager, is joined by Paul Love from Clarksons Plc to take a look at the Sea/response software platform developed by Maritech.

Technical Information Sheet: OSPRAG Capping Stack
This datasheet provides a summary of key facts about the OSPRAG Capping Stack for use in the UKCS.

Technical Information Sheet: Capping Stack System
This datasheet provides a summary of key facts about the Subsea Capping Stack System.

Technical Information Sheet: Containment Toolkit
This datasheet provides a summary of key facts about the Subsea Containment Toolkit.

The Cap Story
Mitigating the risks of oil spills through subsea services; here's the story of the capping stack and OSRL's Subsea Well Intervention Services.
The latest subsea insights and documents
Our subsea resources cover a broad range of subsea related topics including Subsea Well Intervention Services equipment. Find presentations, videos and technical information sheets.