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Oil Spill Response Limited Oil Spill Response Limited
News & Media

Response Forum and Technical Tour

miércoles, 8 de junio de 2022

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Event Info

Our Response Forum will be taking place in Singapore at the Pan Pacific Hotel, along with our Technical Tour taking place at our Asia-Pacific Response base in Loyang, Singapore.



Our Response Forum on Wednesday 8 June will include two plenary sessions, three discrete workshops, multiple bite sized information sessions, as well as an evening networking dinner. This event offers an opportunity for you to meet our experts and gain up-to-date information on OSRL and our initiatives.


Plenary Sessions

  • Recent Spill Response Case Studies
  • Sub-sea Well Intervention Services (SWIS) New Deal



  • Integrated Preparedness Services/ Outsourcing
  • Maximizing the Value of Your Membership
  • Improving Industry and Government Coordination for Effective Tiered Response


Multiple Bite-Sized Information Sessions


Evening Session

  • Networking Dinner at the Pan Pacific Hotel Ballroom



Our Technical Tour on Thursday 9 June is designed to provide our members and stakeholders with information and first-hand experience of OSRL’s preparedness and response capability, delivered through a number of technical presentations and mini workshops covering topics such as;

  • What Happens In A Response Mobilisation
  • Use Of OSRL Expertise in A Response
  • Benefits and Scope of OSRL Logistical Support
  • Virtual Training Capabilities
  • The Singapore-Based Upgraded Capping Stack and Its Benefits


Please use the form on your right to register for the events. 

For hotel accommodation at the Pan Pacific Hotel, please click here for room reservation

If you have any questions, please email our Events Team.