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Oil Spill Response Limited Oil Spill Response Limited
News & Media

Utilising Fishing Vessels for Oil Spill Response

martes, 11 de agosto de 2020

Fishing Vessel Webinar.jpg

Learn about the partnership between Shell UK Limited,  Oil Spill Response Limited, the Scottish Fishermen’s Federation, the Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA) and Ambipar Response in training Scottish fishermen to provide proactive and timely response in the unlikely event of an oil spill. The presentation will include:


  • Why and how the pilot project was started
  • Video revealing what occurred during the training
  • Overview of how the classroom-based and offshore practical training was planned and implemented
  • Benefits of fishermen conducting surveillance and efficacy testing
  • Lessons learned and how to adapt the project to different environments
  • Next steps for the project and opportunities for others in the industry to get involved


Title: Utilising Fishing Vessels for Oil Spill Response in the North Sea


Date : Tuesday 11th August, 2020

Time : 14:00 BST

Duration : 60 Minutes

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