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Oil Spill Response Limited Oil Spill Response Limited
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Improving response time and compliance with technology 08:30 BST

jueves, 25 de junio de 2020

Improving response time and compliance with technology AM.png

In the offshore oil and gas industry, we are seeing increasing pressures from regulators to ensure that businesses operating in this area have strong plans in place to respond to incidents efficiently and responsibly. Attitudes generally are now, more than ever, focused on how businesses minimise their environmental impact and demonstrate robust sustainability strategies.

In this webinar, Oil Spill Response Limited (OSRL) join Maritech to discuss the role that technology can play in overcoming these challenges. Sea/response, the digital tool from Maritech, has proved critically important in planning and exercises in order that incident response times can be reduced. Our speakers will share response time modelling examples, case studies, and a demostration of the Sea/response technology. Our hope is that with continued collaboration within the industry, we can enable stronger solutions for all.

Presented By:

Andy Myers, OSRL, Sub Sea Director

Chris Lund, OSRL, Sub Sea Project Engineering Manager

Paul Love, Maritech, Technology Director


Title: How can technology help in overcoming regulation challenges and reducing environmental impact?

Date: Thursday 25th June 2020

Time: 08:30 BST

Duration: 1 hour

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