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Oil Spill Response Limited Oil Spill Response Limited
News & Media

Lock Down but Still Responding: Managing A Marine Oil Spill During a Pandemic

jueves, 28 de mayo de 2020

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Join experts from London P&I Club, ITOPF, OSRL and Navigate Response for a practical look at how an oil spill response could be mobilised in our current world of social distancing, quarantines and travel restrictions.

Based around imagined major vessel source pollution incidents in Asia and Europe, the webinar will explore the challenges and solutions associated with mobilising a response including:

  • Strategies for hitting the ground running: operational challenges presented by COVID-19
  • P&I Clubs and how they can minimise the impacts of lockdown on effective incident management
  • Remote solutions: How evaluations and sharing of expertise can be completed remotely
  • Managing the media: When your incident gives everyone a break from COVID-19 coverage

  • Practical preparedness: Steps that "risk owners" can, and should, be taking now

  • Engaging with local stakeholders: "Showing up" when you can't actually show up

Date: Thursday 28 May 2020 

Time: 09:00 and 16:00

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