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Oil Spill Response Limited Oil Spill Response Limited
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Oil Spill Preparedness Workshop in Cooperation with MOIG

martes, 14 de marzo de 2017

OSRL in association with MOIG are presenting an Oil Spill Preparedness Workshop in Tunis 14-15 March 2017. 

The programme will include an update of OSRL's response services, its new 727 wide area dispersant system, preparedness reviews, oil spill modelling, and much more. In the afternoon OSRL will be putting on a free training session for the Incident Management System “IMS 100”. Successful participants will be awarded an IMS 100 certificate.

For more information about IMS please follow this link.

The sessions will be presented by Dave Oland, Africa Preparedness Advisor, Liam Harrington-Missin, Geomatics lead, Mohamed Samy Elmahy, Senior Trainer and Nick Hazlett-Beard, Business Development Manager.

The programme was agreed by Management Committee Members, M. Yassine Mestiri, ETAP Vice-Chairman and MOIG Director, Nick Hazlett-Beard, OSRL Business Development Manager and Dave Oland, OSRL Africa Preparedness Advisor at  the ETAP headquarters. The main objectives of these meetings were to enhance cooperation and information exchange between MOIG, OSRL and its members on Oil Spill Preparedness and Response in Tunisia and Mediterranean region.