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Oil Spill Response Limited Oil Spill Response Limited
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Technical Forum: Tiered Preparedness and Response for Mexico

viernes, 27 de julio de 2018


When: Friday 27 July 2018, 9:00 - 16:00

Location: Hotel Intercontinental Presidente, located at Campos Eliseos 218, Col. Chapultepec Polanco, Ciudad de Mexico, CMX, 11560

As OSRL members begin offshore activities in Mexico, how does OSRL give your company peace of mind for Tiered Preparedness and Response?

Whether you are an existing OSRL member or are considering membership, come and meet the team that supports preparedness and response for Mexico. 

This is a great opportunity for new in-country personnel of your Mexico team to learn about the OSRL organization and the benefits of your OSRL membership. Hear from our technical experts who will discuss tiered preparedness, equipment cascading for surface response, dispersants and subsea well-capping response solutions. You will also learn about regional response practices across Latin America from the Regional Response Operations Manager. 

Stay with us for lunch to meet and greet our group.  For the afternoon session, we will present an in-depth discussion on Source Control Emergency Response Planning offered under the new OSRL strategic alliance with Trendsetter Engineering and Halliburton. 

This is a technical forum you will not want to miss.  Space is limited so please RSVP at your earliest convenience.  


Preliminary Programme


0830      Registration & Coffee


0900      Safety Brief & Welcome


0905      Major Preparedness Concerns in Mexico, Introduction to OSRL Capabilities & Tiered Preparedness and Response Wheel for Mexico – Service Level Agreement, B727 Response Model, Global Dispersant Stockpile, and Mobilization Timelines


09:45    Subsea Well Intervention Services, SWIS


1030      Coffee & Networking Exchanges


1100      Regional Response Experience


1145     International and Transboundary Issues, including MEXUS background


1215      Interactive Exchange


1230      Lunch & Networking Exchanges


13:30   Source Control Emergency Response Planning as part of the OSRL Strategic Alliance Part 1


14:30    Coffee Break & Networking Exchanges


15:00    Source Control Emergency Response Planning as part of the OSRL Strategic Alliance Part 2 


16:00    Summary, Conclusion & After Actions