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News & Media

June 2020 Virtual AGM

jueves, 11 de junio de 2020

The Annual General Meeting will be held remotely on Microsoft Teams on Thursday 11th June. Member Shareholder Reps will have received the Notice of Meeting and Proxy Voting Form by email. As voting will be conducted by proxy only, we encourage you to vote by returning your completed and signed proxy form to the Board Secretary before 9th June. If you have any questions, please get in touch via the same email.

While the meeting is a one-way presentation, questions can be submitted through the chat function and a questions will be answered following the meeting and distributed within a Q&A document with the minutes of the meeting. We hope you will be able to join us on the day and listen in.

The following matters will be addressed:

  1. Approval of accounts
  2. Appointment of auditors
  3. Election of directors (retiring by rotation/appointment of new if applicable