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Introducing OSRL's new Senior Response and Preparedness Advisor

lunes, 24 de febrero de 2020


Welcome Emily Gifford, our new Senior Response and Preparedness Advisor!

Emily’s comprehensive knowledge of the Western Australian marine environment has been acquired through ecological studies, environmental approvals and impact and risk assessments completed for both government and oil and gas operators. Emily most recently spent five years with the WA Department of Transport focussing on oil spill response arrangements and incident management.

Since joining OSRL in February this year, Emily has assisted OSRL members on OPEP reviews and COVID impact assessments for spill preparedness and response commitments. She is also leading OSRL’s training delivery for Australia including virtual and customized trainings. In her new role as Senior Response and Preparedness Advisor, Emily is hoping to utilise OSRL’s global response experience and expertise to offer value added preparedness support for Australian members.