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Oil Spill Response Limited Oil Spill Response Limited
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OSRL is attending Interspill 2022

jueves, 26 de mayo de 2022

On the 21st of June, Interspill 2022 will open its doors to the industry once again for the next event in the triennial series of international oil spill clean-up events. After a two-year break due to the covid pandemic, we are looking forward to joining the industry for this insightful face-to-face conference and exhibition which aims to bring the industry together to learn and network with peers. 

We will be attending Interspill for the three-day event and will once again be collaborating with our partners IPIECA, IOGP, Sea Alarm Foundation and the Global Response Network to showcase industry collaboration on a shared platform (stand B40) at Interspill 2022. 

OSRL will have a significant profile at Interspill with our Regional Director, Rob James, as co-chair of the conference.  OSRL staff will be presenting twelve papers and six posters. Dave Rouse, Dean Wasche and Andrew Crouch will be delivering a short course on “Crisis Management”, as a prequel to the conference itself. They will also be offering complimentary 1:1 performance coaching conversations throughout the conference.  If you are interested in booking a session please email us.

We will also be running a Diversity, Equality and Inclusion lunch alongside Dr Sabrina Hatton-Cohen on lessons she has learned during her career both as an academic and as a senior officer in the Fire and Rescue Service. Find out more about the session and how to register below: 

Interspill - 2022 Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Lunch

Please see further information below: 

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