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Oil Spill Response Limited Oil Spill Response Limited
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Two Australian oil and gas companies join OSRL as participant members

jueves, 21 de agosto de 2014

Woodside Energy Limited and Santos Limited have joined Oil Spill Response Limited as participant members, expanding the number of OSRL's shareholders from 44 to 46.

Woodside Energy Limited is Australia's largest publicly traded oil and gas exploration and production company and one of Australia's most successful explorers, developers and producers of oil and gas. Woodside subscribed to Associate Membership since October 2006, covering its multiple sites/upstream assets. In an effort to incorporate a global coverage for all operations, Participant Membership offered a more cost effective approach for the provision of oil spill response services.

An Extraordinary General Meeting was convened on Monday, April 11, 2014 for shareholders to approve the application. Woodside became a Band 6 Participant Member with immediate effect.

Santos Limited is a leading oil and gas producer, supplying Australian and Asian customers. With its origins in the Cooper Basin, Santos is one of Australia’s largest producers of gas to the domestic market and has the largest exploration and production acreage position in Australia of any company. Santos has also developed major oil and liquids businesses in Australia and operates in all mainland Australian states and the Northern Territory.

Santos also has an exploration-led Asian portfolio, with a focus on three core countries: Indonesia, Vietnam and Papua New Guinea.

Santos subscribed to Associate Membership since August 2011, covering its multiple sites. In an effort to incorporate a global coverage for all operations, Participant Membership offered a more cost effective approach for the provision of oil spill response services.

An Extraordinary General Meeting was convened on Wednesday, July 30, 2014 for shareholders to approve the application. Santos became a Band 6 Participant Member with effect from August 1, 2014.

Find out more about the different types of memberships.