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Oil Spill Response Limited Oil Spill Response Limited
News & Media

Wildlife Week 2023

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Wildlife Week 2023

We're inviting our members and contacts from around the industry to explore wildlife response during our dedicated Wildlife Week. Throughout the week we’ll have a host of knowledge-sharing webinars and guest speakers from our wildlife partners and across the industry to celebrate the week. 

Oiled wildlife response was recognised as one of the core capabilities in the tiered preparedness and response (TPR) wheel in the 2015 Ipieca good practice guidance. It was a tremendous step forward and the culmination of many years’ work by a core group of advocates from non-governmental stakeholders, industry and government, some of whom you will hear from during Wildlife Week. 

Wildlife Week aims to promote wildlife preparedness and response good practise and look at how this has been applied regionally across the globe. Long-time advocates will share their experiences of bringing wildlife experts, NGO’s, industry and authorities together to shape preparedness activities, ready to respond to the next disaster that we hope will never happen. 

Our week of activities kicks off on Monday 13th November 08:00 UTC with Contingency Planning Workshop in Nigeria. We’ll hear from Lauren Fearenga from ITOPF and Monica Stassen from SANCCOB (GOWRS network partner) about how they brought multiple stakeholders together to promote the integration of wildlife into spill response planning.

On the Thursday 16th November at 14:00 UTC, we will host our first OSRL-affiliated Spanish-speaking webinar. Guest speakers Daniela Barreras-Biesot (Sea Alarm Foundation) and Valeria Ruoppolo (Aiuká, GOWRS network partner) will give an overview of oiled wildlife preparedness and response in a session tailored towards the Spanish speaking Oil and Gas Industry, Shipping, Oil Spill Response Organisations, and Governments and Regulators.

On Friday 17th November at 05:00 UTC we will be welcoming guests to a two-hour virtual session tailored towards the Asia-Pacific Region to introduce the wildlife preparedness process and share real-world examples of where it has been applied in the past. Speakers will include Louise Chilvers (Wildbase at Massey University, GOWRS network partner) and guests from Petronas. 

On Friday at 13:30 UTC, join Rodrigo Cochrane and Barbara Carpeggiani from Petrobras and Viviane Barquete from Aiuká (GOWRS network partner)  for a virtual webinar where they showcase a successful example of collaboration between Industry leaders Petrobras and Aiuká, a GOWRS network member and a Tier 3 wildlife rehabilitation organisation in Brazil, resulting in the development of an oiled wildlife plan reinforced with an ongoing multi-year preparedness programme.

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