IMO Equivalent Training Course
IMO Equivalent Certification
The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has developed a range of Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Co-operation (OPRC) training course models to address aspects of oil spill planning, response and management. These are known as the OPRC Model Courses. Through our accreditation from the UK Nautical Institute (NI), we can deliver IMO-recognised (equivalent) OPRC Model Training Courses to UK Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) standards. The certification for IMO Level courses is MCA or OSRL Certification of Completion.
IMO Level equivalent training courses include:
- IMO Level 1 - Shoreline Site Supervisor
- IMO Level 2 - On-Scene Commander Oil Spill Clearance
- IMO Level 3 - Oil Spill Response Management
- IMO Level 1-3 Refresher

IMO Course Benefits
OSRL has extensive experience in working with the Internation Maritime Organization (IMO) to deliver IMO Model Training Courses worldwide.
Vital training for the complete spectrum of response personnel, from operational staff, through to Supervisors, On-Scene Commanders and Senior Managers in oil spill response.
Our IMO Level equivalent courses detail every aspect of oil spill response, from oil behaviours and environmental considerations to the practical elements of cleaning up an oil spill and the management of the incident in its entirety.

Why Choose OSRL?
Early Bird Discount - Save 10%
Book a course more than 3 months in advance and save 10% for each person booked on the course.
Highest Training Standards
OSRL is a Nautical Institute accredited training provider to the Oil, Gas and Shipping Industries providing courses to national and international globally recognised training standards such as IMO, MCA (UK) and BEIS (UK).
Knowledgeable Trainers
OSRL's trainers bring together technical proficiency, industry know-how, and a comprehension of regulatory mandates in the Oil, Gas, and Shipping Industries. Our training programs are designed to prioritise the safety, efficiency, and robustness of operations.

IMO Equivalent Courses
Find the list below of all our current IMO equivalent courses certified at MCA Level 3/3P (IMO 1), 4/4P (IMO 2), 5/5P (IMO 3). If you can't see what you're looking for, please get in touch
Curso de Atualização de resposta a derramamento de óleo (equivalente a nível 1-3 da IMO/nível MCA 3-5)
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