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Oil Spill Response Limited Oil Spill Response Limited

Oiled Wildlife Response Training (OWRT)

Oiled Wildlife Response Training by Massey University & UC Davis

Oiled Wildlife Response Training (OWRT) is a comprehensive oiled wildlife response program developed by Massey University and the University of California Davis (UC Davis), that is university-endorsed and research-driven. The course combines online and in-person components to maximise the efficiency of delivery. 

OWRT is designed for response personnel from on-the-ground responders to response managers. Having personnel trained in oiled wildlife response is a key component for complete oil spill response preparedness. 

Pelicans in the Sea Wildlife Ocean.png

What will I learn?

The program teaches critical planning and response actions, including the development of comprehensive wildlife plans, the identification of necessary resources, the acquisition of required permits, and all operational aspects of running a complex oiled wildlife response. 

Level 1: Foundations of Oiled Wildlife Response

This course offers a thorough introduction to oiled wildlife response for all personnel. You'll learn key concepts such as:

You will be introduced to key concepts of oiled wildlife response, including: 

  • Petroleum and its effects
  • Historical spills
  • Oil spill and oiled wildlife response
  • The importance of Health and Safety


This course will take approximately 3 hours to complete. 

Level 2: Rehabilitation and Facility

This course serves as a crucial second step in training to become an oiled wildlife responder. You'll learn about operations in an oiled wildlife rehabilitation facility, covering every stage from Field Stabilisation and Intake to Pre-wash care, Wash-rinse-dry, Conditioning, and Release.

This course will take approximately 7 hours to complete. 

Oiled Wildlife Response Training is provided by Massey University and the University of California, Davis.

Oiled Wildlife Response Training is provided by Massey University and UC Davis (the University of California Davis). Oil Spill Response Limited accepts no responsibility for the provision of or content of the training.

Oiled Wildlife Response Training

Join Massey University & UC Davis' Oiled Wildlife Response Training (OWRT) to gain essential skills in wildlife rescue, cleaning, rehabilitation, and response management.

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