Activate Us

Our activation procedure including contact details and forms for activation, in addition to equipment stockpile and aviation status reports can be found here.

Emergency Contact Numbers

Please note that:

Response services are guaranteed ONLY for Members. Non-members are not guaranteed a response and will be required to sign a Non-member contract. Services and rates differ. Duty managers can be contacted for exercises.

Oil Spill Response Limited Oil Spill Response Limited

Biblioteca de Recursos

  • 199 Results

Readiness in Action: Inside OSRL’s Surface Dispersant Exercise

Discover OSRL’s Surface Dispersant Exercise on the Isle of Wight, highlighting our dedication to enhancing responder skills with advanced training and monitoring methods

  • jun 27, 2024 
  • Exercises
Spill Journal

Spill Journal: X-Press Pearl

Explore our role in X-Press Pearl's cleanup, collaborative strategies, and maritime disaster response implications in this Spill Journal.

  • abr 29, 2024 
  • Response

Redefining Crisis Management Training: The Potential Pitfalls of Over-reliance on Virtual Training

Amid crisis management's evolution, virtual training expands accessibility. But can it fully replicate crisis demands? We explore this critical balance.

  • abr 17, 2024 
  • Crisis Management

The OSRL Podcast: The Response Force Multiplier - Episode 5

In this episode, we join OSRL's Incident and Crisis Management Lead, Dave Rouse, and guests as they reflect on critical crisis management lessons and strategies for navigating uncertainty.

  • fev 28, 2024 
  • Crisis Management
Case Study

Crisis-Ready Excellence: Delivering preparedness training to a major international oil and gas company.

A major international Oil and Gas company approached us to deliver a training course to their staff to help develop their structure for preparing and responding to emergencies.

  • jan 30, 2024 
  • Incident Management
Recorded Seminar

Preparedness Journey Webinar Series - Webinar 4:Training, Exercises, and Continuous Improvement

Our experts examine how we develop our Training Drills or Exercises. How how we can maintain our response readiness and discuss the preparedness tools and support services offered by OSRL.

  • jan 15, 2024 
  • 60 min watch
  • Industry
Recorded Seminar

Preparedness Journey Webinar Series - Webinar 3:Equipment and Resources for Effective Response

Our experts focus on the critical aspect of selecting, maintaining and deploying the right equipment and resources during an oil spill incident.

  • jan 12, 2024 
  • 60 min watch
  • Industry
Recorded Seminar

Preparedness Journey Webinar Series - Webinar 2: Risk Assessment and Contingency Planning

Our experts guide you in assessing potential gaps in your oil spill preparedness, aiding in the development of a plan to address and close those gaps in enhanced future readiness.

  • jan 10, 2024 
  • 60 min watch
  • Industry
Case Study

Dorian's Impact on Shipping Terminal: A Comprehensive Crisis Management Response to Environmental Challenges

Damage caused by adverse weather forces the shipping terminal to close.

  • dez 5, 2023 
  • 6 min read
  • Crisis Management

The OSRL Podcast: The Response Force Multiplier - Episode 4

In this episode, we join OSRL's Global Learning and Development Manager, Dean Wasche, as he delves deep into the world of crisis leadership and the complex context within which it operates.

  • dez 5, 2023 
  • Crisis Management

The OSRL Podcast: The Response Force Multiplier - Episode 3

In this episode, we join Liam Harrington-Missin as we delve into the fascinating world of artificial intelligence (AI) and its impact on emergency management.

  • out 4, 2023 
  • Industry
Recorded Seminar

Preparedness Journey Webinar Series - Webinar 1: Understanding the Oil Spill Landscape

Our experts provide an overview of the oil spill landscape in this introductory webinar.

  • out 2, 2023 
  • 50 min watch
  • Industry

Biblioteca de Recursos OSRL

Experiência em primeira mão na resposta a incidentes de derramamento de óleo de natureza e localidade variadas em todo o mundo, permita que a Resposta a Derramamento de Óleo forneça uma riqueza de recursos e insights.

De estudos de caso com nossos membros a insights do setor e guias de campo operacionais, abrangendo resposta e gerenciamento de crises a dispersantes e planejamento de contingência. Todos os recursos estão disponíveis gratuitamente para visualização ou download.