Activate Us

Our activation procedure including contact details and forms for activation, in addition to equipment stockpile and aviation status reports can be found here.

If you need a copy of our Scale of Fees, please contact us.

Emergency Contact Numbers

Please note that:

Response services are guaranteed ONLY for Members. Non-members are not guaranteed a response and will be required to sign a Non-member contract. Services and rates differ. Duty managers can be contacted for exercises.

Oil Spill Response Limited Oil Spill Response Limited

Biblioteca de Recursos

  • 207 Results
Recorded Seminar

Bridging Response to Research

Rob Holland and Rhea Shears explore the gap between operational relevance and scientific focus.

  • jan 25, 2023 
  • 38 min watch
  • Industry
Recorded Seminar

TPR Seminar Series - Part Twelve: Environmental Impact Assessment

Norman Ramos, Principal Consultant and Trainer, provides an overview of the TPR segment relating to Environmental Impact Assessment.

  • jan 17, 2023 
  • Response

Next Generation Fuels – the Future of Emergency Response

We explore what challenges alternative fuels must overcome to become viable, safe and trusted replacements for oil

  • dez 1, 2022 
  • Response

Entrevista com Tri-state - GOWRS Wildlife Partner

Paul Kelway, Gerente de Preparação e Resposta à Vida Selvagem da OSRL, é acompanhado por Lisa Smith, Diretora Executiva da Tri-state Bird Rescue and Research

  • nov 30, 2022 
  • Wildlife

Entrevista com Tri-state - GOWRS Wildlife Partner

Paul Kelway, Gerente de Preparação e Resposta à Vida Selvagem da OSRL, é acompanhado por Lisa Smith, Diretora Executiva da Tri-state Bird Rescue and Research

  • nov 30, 2022 
  • Wildlife

GOWRS Partner Interview - Episódio 9: Wildbase

Neste nono episódio, Paul Kelway, Gerente de Preparação e Resposta à Vida Selvagem da OSRL, é acompanhado pela Dra. Louise Chilvers da Wildbase da Universidade Massey, na Nova Zelândia.

  • nov 30, 2022 
  • Wildlife
Recorded Seminar

TPR Seminar Series - Part Eleven: Economic Assessment and Compensation

This eleventh session sees OSRL's Development & Assurance Lead, Aaron Montgomery, discuss economic assessment and compensation for marine oil spills.

  • nov 29, 2022 
  • 31 min watch
  • Industry
Recorded Seminar

TPR Seminar Series - Part Ten: Oiled Wildlife Response

This tenth session sees Wildlife Preparedness and Response Manager, Paul Kelway, and guests from Sea Alarm and GOWRS discuss Oiled Wildlife Response.

  • nov 15, 2022 
  • Wildlife
Recorded Seminar

Shared Lessons for Risk Communications

We explore parallels from the communications around the pandemic response and whether we can transfer these to effective dispersant communications.

  • nov 3, 2022 
  • Dispersants

Crisis Exercises: Are You Wasting Your Time and Money? A Blueprint for Better Exercises

Based on an evaluation of current exercise approaches, we look at the key areas of practice that can be improved and benefits that can be gained.

  • nov 1, 2022 
  • 20 min read
  • Exercises
Recorded Seminar

Oiled Wildlife and Preparedness - Perspectives from South East Asia

Norman Ramos, Principal Trainer & Consultant, and Yow Lih Hern, Senior Consultant, discuss the current oiled wildlife practices in South East Asia

  • out 26, 2022 
  • Wildlife
Recorded Seminar

TPR Seminar Series - Part Nine: Dispersants

This ninth session sees OSRL's Principal Preparedness & Response Authority, Andy Nicoll, discuss the use of dispersants in spill response.

  • out 20, 2022 
  • Dispersants

Biblioteca de Recursos OSRL

Experiência em primeira mão na resposta a incidentes de derramamento de óleo de natureza e localidade variadas em todo o mundo, permita que a Resposta a Derramamento de Óleo forneça uma riqueza de recursos e insights.

De estudos de caso com nossos membros a insights do setor e guias de campo operacionais, abrangendo resposta e gerenciamento de crises a dispersantes e planejamento de contingência. Todos os recursos estão disponíveis gratuitamente para visualização ou download.